Our blog

Sharing our approach

Thoughts on entrepreneurship, collaboration and innovation in healthcare.

La collaboration, plus complexe qu'un fax de temps à autre!

Collaboration in healthcare: much more than faxes and phone calls!

What first comes to mind when we speak of interprofessional collaboration is a group of healthcare professionals coming together to talk about a common patient.

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La plus grande richesse que 2019 nous a apportée

The greatest wealth that 2019 has given us

As the year comes to an end, I like to sit down and have a look at the year in retrospect.

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Confidentialité du patient: un problème ou une solution?

Patient confidentiality: a problem or a solution?

When it comes to health innovation, we quickly get caught up in the various laws set up to safeguard the public.

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Les professionnels de la santé ont parlé

The healthcare professionals have spoken

On our last blog post, we talked to you about our experience with the latest Braver Talk.

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Est-ce qu'on a survécu au Braver Talk?

Did we survive the last Braver Talk?

This past Monday was the second edition of our Braver Talks. Naturally, we'd like to talk to you about it, but in what way?

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Avez-vous le sentiment d'imposteur?

Do you feel like an impostor?

It was the fall of 2018. There were questions about whether it would be worthwhile to bring other co-founders into Braver.

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Braver Talk: qu'en pensent les professionnels?

Braver talk: what do the professionals think?

When we decided to do Braver Talk, the thought came to us naturally. A little voice inside us told us that this was the way to go and we ventured in with enthusiasm and a backpack full of ideas.

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Pourquoi les innovations en santé réussissent rarement

Why health innovations are rarely successful

This has been pointed out many times: Braver is an ambitious project and the health ecosystem is highly complex.

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Un obstacle ou un passage?

An obstacle or a pathway?

Braver is in full development. We are in the process of building what is called a "Minimum Viable Product" (or "MVP" for connoisseurs), which is an early version of our vision for the future.

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Mettre ses pieds dans les bottines de l'autre

Putting yourself in someone else's shoes

Two weeks ago, it was NumériQC Week and we participated online in Quebec City. It's a great event that lasts three days and offers conferences related to the technological world.

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Le patient que je n'ai pas su guérir

The patient that I failed to treat

On my first day of work as a physiotherapist, I was a bit nervous about the thought of finally being able to be independent in my practice.

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Comment j'ai trouvé mon ingrédient manquant

How I found my missing ingredient

On a chilly weekday morning of September 2004, when I was a Cégep student, I took off in my car as I did every morning.

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Trouver sa façon de faire

Finding your own way

A couple of months ago, when we dived headfirst into Braver's whirlpool, we agreed to put aside our secure jobs and jump into the void.

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